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What is E-commerce? Types of E-commerce?

 What is E commerce (Electronic Commerce)?

Electronic commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services and the transfer of funds through digital communication .

Electronic commerce also include buying and selling over the world wide web and internet electronic fund transfer, smart Card ,digital cash and all other way of doing business over digital network .

E-Commerce provide the capability of buying and selling product exchange information and providing services using the internet and other online services .

Ecommerce refers to exchange of goods and services or something the value between business or entities commerce also known as Electronic commerce.

Do you know?

The the history of e-commerce begin with the first ever online sale on the August 11, 1994 a man sold a CD by the brand sting to his friend through his website Netmarket, an American retail platform. Since then E-Commerce has evolved to make products easier to discover and purchase through online retailers and marketplace. Independent freelancers ,small businesses and large cooperations have all benefits from ECommerce which enable them to sell their goods and services at scale that was not possible with traditional offline.

Almost any product or services can be offered why e-commerce from book and music shopping to financial services and railway and plane tickets.

Providing of participating in online marketing which process third party business to business, customer to customer sales, business to business finance gathering and using demo graphic data through when context and social media business to business electronic data exchange.

Types of E-commerce.

There are mainly six type of e-commerce based on transition parties.

Business models:-

A business model is a method of doing business by which a company can sustain itself that is generate revenue. The business model specify how companies make money by specifying where it is position in the value chain . There are various approach the market place and make profit .

Business model has been categories in various ways like model based on transition type model based on transaction parties . Now we will discuss the model based on transition parties.

  • Business to business(B2B)
  • Business to customer (B2C)
  • Customer to customer (C2C)
  • Customer to business (C2B)
  • Business to government(B2G)
  • Government to business(G2B)

Business-to-Business (B2B):

Website following B2B business model sells its product to an intermediate buyer who then the product to the final customer. As an example, a wholesaler places an order from a company website and after receiving the product from the company, he sells the end product to find customer who comes to buy the product at wholesaler's retail outlet premises.

Business-to-Consumer (B2C):

Website following B2C business model sells its product directly to a customer. A customer can view products shown on the website of this business organization. The customer can choose product and order it directly. Website will send a notification to the business organization via email and organization will dispatch the product directly to the customer.

Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C):

Website following C2C business model helps consumer to sell their assets like residential or commercial property, cars, bikes, etc., or rent a house, flat, showroom by publishing the information on the site. Website may charge the consumer for its services. Another consumer may opt to buy the product of this customer by viewing the advertisement on the website.

Customer to business (C2B):-

In this model, a consumer approaches website showing multiple business, organizations for a particular service, Consumer places an estimate of amount he or she wants to spend for a particular service. For example, comparison of interest rates for personal loun, cur Inan, property loan provided by various banks via website. Business organization who fulfills the requirement of the consumer or the best option within specified budget approaches the customer and provides its services.

Business-to-Government (B2G):-

B2G model is a variant of B2B niodel. Such websites are used by the Government to trade ang exchange information with various business organizations. Such websites are accredited by the Government and provide a medium to business companies to submit application forms to the Government.

Government-to-Business (G2B):-

Government uses B2G model website to approach various business organizations. Such website support auctions, tenders and application submission functionalities.

Advantages of E commerce 

Advantages to Organizations

  • Using E-commerce, organizations can expand their market sational and international larval with minimum capital investment.
  • An organization can easily locate more customers, suppliers and business peers across the globe
  • E-commerce improves the brand image of the company, helps organi u provide butter customer services, reduce the cost create process, distribute, nutrieve and manage the paper based information by digitizing the information
  • E-commerce helps to simplify the business processes and make them luster and efficiens reducing paper work a lot
  • E-commerce increased the productivity of the organization.
  • a haviness E-commerce supports "pull type supply management". In pull type sapply management, a h process starts when a request comes from a customer and it uses just-in-time mefacturing way.
Advantages to Customers:
  • 24x7 support. E-commerce can take place 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Customer can de transactions for the product or enquiry about any product/services provided by a company any time,any where from any location.
  • Many stores offer a wider array of products online than they damn the brick-and-mortar counterparts. And stores that exist only online may offer consumers a selection of goods that they otherwise could not access.
  • Ecommerce application provides user more options and picker delivery of products, provide wer more options to compare and select the cheaper and better rption and provides optional virtual auctions
  • Customer can put review comments about a product before making a final buy
  • Customer can see the relevant detailed information within seconds rather than waining for days Or weeks.
  • E-commerce increases competition among the cegunizations and as emilt organization provides substantial discounts to customers.

Advantages to Society 
  • Customers need not to travel to shop a product thus less traffic on road and low air pollution E-commerce helps Government to deliver public services like health care, education, social services at reduced cost and in improved way.
  • E-commerce helps reducing cost of products so less affluent people can also affoed the product Hence, it has enabled access to services and products to rural areas as well which are otherwise not to them.
Disadvantages of E-commerce
  • Limited customer service-  If you want to buy a computer and you've shopping online there in employee you can talk to about which computer would best meet your needs.
  • No instant gratification- White you hy something online, you have to wait for it to be shippeal to your home or office.
  • No ability to touch and see a prodort- Online images don't always tell the whole story about an item Ecommerce cansactions can be disfying when the product the consumer receives is different than expected.


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